3 D Chess Game

The best chess game was played between Adolf Anderssen and Lionel Kieseritzky in 1851, but the best chess videogames are something else entirely. The rules of chess are simple, but it's one of the. . Chess 3D Animation: Real Battle Chess 3D Online is meaningful three-dimensional chess, use strong chess engine and LibGDX framework. Combat oriented game mechanics, complete with richly animated game pieces. Chess is a two-player strategy board game played on a checkered board with 64 squares arranged in an 8×8 grid.The game is.


First, a few notes about dimensions. Each of the five levels pic-tured in this diagram is a plane. By definition planes are two-dimensional. There are many additional planes that can be identifiedin this 5x5x5 grid besides these five horizontal ones. Such addi-tional, vertical planes also consist of 25 squares. Examples: Thefirst ranks, from level E to level A, constitute a plane. Or the 'a'files, from level E to level A, constitute a plane. These planes --the five horizontal 'boards' plus the vertical planes consisting ofsame-numbered ranks or same-small-lettered files -- allow the optionof '3-D' or 'vertical' movements by all the regular chess pieces.For some of the regular pieces -- Knights, Bishops, Rooks, and Pawns -- when the concept of their regular chess move is applied to this 5x5x5 cube, moving in these vertical planes is the only kind of '3-D' movement allowed.
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  2. About This Game A unique chess trip with exciting instant duels awaits you - test your mettle on the chessboard. Checkmate your opponent with only a few moves and solve challenging chess puzzles in amazing 3D worlds. Do you have the strategies and tactics of a true chess master?

Note that a 3-D move is optional. All the regular (2-D) chesspieces retain the option of moving in their usual way on any of thefive horizontal planes, or levels. Pawns can move one square forward(to a higher-numbered rank) on the same level, or one cell upward(for White) or downward (for Black) to the cell of the same coordi-nates on the next level.

As mentioned, the possible so-called 3-D moves of the Rook, Bishop, Knight, and Pawn are made within any of the planes perpen-dicular to the ranks or files of any of the five horizontal planes.The Rook's '3-D' move is pretty obvious. It moves like an elevator,straight up and down. The Pawn's '3-D' move is like a Rook, butonly one cell at a time. The Knight's L-shaped move must be within such a plane. In other words, the Knight's 3-D move can be measuredout as two cells along either a rank or a file and then one cellalong a file or rank -- but never along any diagonal.

3d Chess Game Online

Dickins suggests imagining the Bishop's '3-D' move as a stairway path, zigzagging its way from level to level, but always within oneof these planes (composed of all five same-numbered ranks or same-small-lettered files). A Bishop on Ea5 could move to Da4, then Ca3,Ba2, and Aa1. Notice that all these cells are on the 'a' file. Orit could move to Db5, then Cc5, Bd5, and Ae5. Notice that all thosecells are on the fifth rank. The Pawn's possible '3-D' capturingmovement is like a Bishop move, forward (to the next higher level forWhite pawns or next lower level for Black pawns) one cell, withinone of these same planes, along a rank or file.

These Rook, Bishop, Knight, and Pawn movements just described maybe called 3-D or vertical, but they're really two-dimensional in na-ture. Only two of the three coordinates change when describing themove in 'algebraic' notation. This inevitably leads to a discussionof true 3-D moves, where all three coordinates change, and the natureof what might be called '3-D planes.'

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One might suggest a plane cutting obliquely across the cube, con-necting cells Ea5, Da4-b5, Ca3-b4-c5, etc. This is the wrong way toimagine a Bishop move because it would suggest Bishop movement fromEa5 to Cb4, which is not allowed. (In fact, a move from Ea5 to Cb4,one square along a 2-D diagonal and then two cells vertically, is amove that no piece in this game can make. A new 3-D, knightlikepiece would have to be invented for that.) Then there's the idea ofmoving from Ea5 to Db4, Cc3, Bd2, and Ae1, along a true diagonal ofthe 5x5x5 cube. That is indeed a three-dimensional diagonal, and itis NOT a move that can be made by a Bishop or a Pawn capture. Doesthis leave Bishops and Pawns a bit weaker than one might like? Yes,it does. But that's life (or chess).

That 3-D diagonal constitutes the path of movement for the Uni-corn. A Unicorn on Cc3 on an empty cube can move to 16 cells: upwardto Db4 and Ea5, Dd4 and Ee5, Db2 and Ea1, Dd2 and Ee1; downward to Bb4 and Aa5, Bd4 and Ae5, Bb2 and Aa1, and Bd2 and Ae1. The Unicorn has no two-dimensional move, leaving it substantially weaker than one would like. It's the weakest piece in the game.

The Queen and King can also move along 3-D diagonals. The Queencan move like a Rook, Bishop, or Unicorn. And a King moves similar-ly, but limited to one cell in any direction. Placed in the middleof the cube, on Cc3, a King can move to 26 cells, a Queen 52, Rook12, Bishop 24, and Unicorn 16.

Pawns promote on the back rank of the opponent's end-level. WhitePawns promote on the fifth rank of Level E; Black Pawns promote onthe first rank of Level A. Dickins notes that in capturing Pawns must move toward their promotion rank. The '3-D' application of this rule means that a White Pawn on Cc3 can capture on Cb4 or Cd4 (like regular chess) or on Db3, Dd3, or Dc4, but not Db2. (Db2 is upwardbut backwards -- toward White's back rank instead of toward Black'sback rank.)

(This FAQ file prepared by David Moeser ((email removed contact us for address) ou.com).Snailmail address: PO Box 30072, Cincinnati, OH 45230-0072.)

See also:

  1. The Thoroddsen board. An elegant design of aboard for this game to make yourself.
  2. Other description of this game with pictures.
Written by David Moeser.WWW page created: June 24, 1997.
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3d Chess Games

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Game Description

'3D Chess' invites you to challenging sessions in amazing 3D worlds against your computer or friends, from ancient Greece to spooky graveyards. For even more of a challenge test your mettle in our chess puzzle mode with its different levels of difficulty: Finish frozen sessions within a fixed number of turns. Find the best way to victory to unlock more and more new puzzles. '3D Chess' features a strong AI and numerous comfort options (such as turn suggestion, undo turn, notations, turning the board and much more) to make every session an unforgettable experience, no matter whether you're playing against your computer or friends on the same PC. Usaa app for mac. A chess rule wiki rounds off the package and provides you with fascinating insights into the game's rules.

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3 D Chess Game

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3D Chess


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