Ecclesiastical Deed Poll Pdf Free

*********The EDP sent are not part of the
Will and Testament****************
All pertinent information can be found on the website.

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PerCuriam Divina
We,the Divine Immortal Spirit, expressed in Trust, to the circumscribed LivingFlesh known as joseph philippe dominique claude lebel, have hereby given lifeand personality to the following memorial and record of event through Our sacredirrevocable deed of ancient valid form sealed by sacred pollex and agreement tothe conveyance and terms pronounced herein:
1.FIRST: We did annex hereto in full Our Pronouncement of Restitution; and
2.SECOND: We did annex hereto in full the sacred Treasury remittance of Our LiveBorne Record and Certificate of Title from the Great Register and Public Recordof One Heaven as proof of superior title against any other claimed title andrecord; and
3.THIRD: We did pray and confess as an act of true contrition our genuine remorseand penance for any unresolved debts, liens or other financial encumbrancesthat previously prevented the lawful annulment of any records of events on yourRoll(s) and Register(s) associated with Us and Our ancestral bloodline of children,parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, grandparents, great grandparents and greatgreat grandparents. As restitution, just as the Divine Creator has absolved Usand forgiven all our debts, We and Our immediate bloodline received Absolutionand acceptance of Our payment in full through Our solemn remittance from theTreasury of One Heaven by Our sacred sacrifice and seal; and
4.Therefore, upon all debts and encumbrances concerning Us and our immediatebloodline being fully settled, with no possible legitimate claim or objectionremaining, We demanded upon your fiduciary duties and oath of office that youdid annul from the beginning any and all record of events and claims from yourrecords against Us and all Our ancestral bloodline including but not limited toOur name, flesh, spirit; and
5.Furthermore, We demanded any and all temporary testamentary trust, cestui quevie and/or derivative thereof formed upon such mistaken entries into the publicrecord were immediately dissolved, including a full account provided to Us withinseven (7) days; and
6.Notice is given that all acts in commerce or law We engage as surety of OurTrust Number 983158-321525-055000 and requestall original records previously associated with your claims are returned to Uscanceled and signed as evidence you have complied with your duties and oath ofoffice; and

Ecclesiastical Deed Poll In Court

7.As We have given proper notice, you acknowledge that no further demands, debtsor actions shall be issued against Us and any charges sent to Us by mistakewill be duly returned to you for immediate discharge in accordance with thelaw.

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Article 133 Ecclesiastical Deed Poll


One Heaven Ecclesiastical Deed Poll